The Weatherman Vol. 3 #6

Image Comics

Written by Jody Leheup

Art by Nathan Fox

Colors by Moreno Dinisio

Letters by Steve Wands

The Rundown: Cross makes a final appeal to Nathan as a diseased horde prepares to invade.

Cross squares off against Nathan and tries to appeal to his humanity, but he is not listening as he violently attacks her. She gets the upper hand and gives Nathan a choice of what he will do while the President fights to put down a coup while the infected move closer to the gate.

After Nathan is reminded about his humanity and chooses to fight back, he goes after his former mentor in order to end things once and for all. A battle ensues that will take some dark and unexpected turns for everyone involved as the threat to humanity gets closer.

The Story: Leheup crafts and action packed adventure in this issue that brilliantly brings together all of the elements of this arc in ways that excite and entertain. There is awesome tension throughout the issue and everything builds to a fantastic finale that not only grabbed me as a fan, but made me intensely angry and wanting more. I can’t wait to see what happens with the next issue for all of the characters involved.

The Art: Fox crafts some beautifully detailed and intense art throughout the issue. The action is thrilling and completely captures the tone and suspense of the story.

The Weatherman Vol. 3 #6



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