The Uncanny X-Men #3

Marvel Comics

Written by Gail Simone

Art by David Marquez

Colors by Matthew Wilson

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: A small group of powerful young mutants are being hunted by a dangerous entity.

A dangerous entity from Charles’ past pays him a visit in the prison cell he is locked inside in his old home. An entity who is hunting the young mutants that managed to make their way to Rogue and her team.

As Rogue decides it’s time to train these new mutants and get to know more about them, Nightcrawler arrives to help them with their training. Logan decides to leave for his own reasons and finds himself confronting the entity on his own and he might not be prepared for what it can do.

The Story: Simone continues to craft an engaging and compelling story for these characters while also striking a wonderful balance with the new characters and new villain. I found the new mutants to be both interesting and dangerous in their internal conflicts. I love the villain’s connection to Charles and cannot wait to see it explored more in this series. I love the conflict between the established characters and having Nightcrawler join the adventure was a great way to bring levity and heart to a heavy situation.

The Art: Marquez delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. I love the visual style of the story and how well the characters and the action are both appealing in their imagery.

The Uncanny X-Men #3



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