The Uncanny X-Men #11

Marvel Comics

Written by Gail Simone

Art by Javier Garron

Colors by Matthew Wilson

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: The X-Men are called in to stop one of their own.

In space, an attack will trigger an unexpected response from Charles Xavier when he discovers that the victim is someone close to him. At the same time, Rogue puts the young mutants through her own version of the Danger Room and decides that it is time that they face some real danger. A move that will alienate some and make Rogue question her own motivations.

When she receives a call from Graymalkin Prison, the team goes to their former home and discovers a dark truth about Xavier before he utilizes not only his immense power, but an unlikely ally to escape from the prison for a personal mission.

The Story: Simone brilliantly raises tension and suspense throughout this issue by making it personal for both Charles and the rest of the X-Men. I like the twists and turns the story takes as well as the darker, more somber tone between Rogue and the young mutants. I loved the return of Sarah in the story and am invested in seeing what happens with and to Charles during the course of this storyline.

The Art: Garron delivers beautifully detailed and visually immersive art throughout the issue. I loved the detailed backgrounds and visual world building a lot.

The Uncanny X-Men #11



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