The Umbrella Academy 


Season 1 Episode 5

Number 5

Number 5’s adventures in the apocalypse are showcased in the beginning of this episode. They mostly include walking and/or biking around with Dolores and drinking, but you can’t really blame the guy. When one of his Wilson moments is interrupted by a mysterious woman, things get really interesting.


5 finally explains to Luther where’s he’s been and how he got back. He also tells him what he was doing in the interim and how dangerous the people coming after him are. As Hazel and Cha-Cha look for their case, Klaus re-emerges from his unexpected trip to 1968 and proceeds to have a full on meltdown.

Allison tries to connect with Vanya, but there is still too much bad blood between them and Allison’s concerns about Leonard fall on deaf ears. After Vanya leaves to meet Leonard, Allison decides to hit the library and look for any information she can about him. Unbeknownst to her, Cha-Cha is there as well learning about the Academy.


Diego and Klaus meet up after Klaus’ emotional trip to a veterans bar and the two brothers track Hazel and Cha-Cha to their hotel. 5 arranges an exchange with the assassins for their case as Allison breaks into Leonard’s house to look for answers. Diego and Klaus threaten to ruin everything and the Handler arrives to offer 5 another deal.

Vanya tries for first chair and without her meds, something strange begins to happen. When she goes to see Leonard, we see that he has some secrets of his own.


Everything is moving faster now and the pace continues to be perfect for this story. All of the acting in this episode is great. Klaus has some brilliant emotional moments throughout and the changes in Vanya are more and more intriguing. There are moments of great suspense as well with Allison breaking into Leonard’s house what we ultimately find inside. Everything about this episode and where 5 fits into events is getting interesting and I can’t wait to learn more about the Handler and 5’s time with the organization.

The Umbrella Academy S01XE05




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