The Ultimates #5

Marvel Comics

Written by Deniz Camp

Art by Juan Frigeri

Colors by Federico Blee

Letters by Travis Lanham

The Rundown: Captain America goes on a mission to retrieve a weapon that ended up in the wrong hands.

Tony Stark has a problem. The weapons system that he sent to someone on his list was discarded in the trash. After talking to Steve Rogers, he convinces Captain America to track down the person who has the weapons. Someone using those weapons to create arrows that are dangerously destructive.

Cap learns that the new hero is using their gifts to bring down Roxxon facilities. After tracking them to their latest attack, Captain America has a contentious encounter with the new Hawkeye. One that will test both in combat and give Steve the opportunity to assess the hero while neither realizes that they are being watched.

The Story: Camp continues to create some interesting and thoroughly entertaining stories in this series. I continue to be blown away by the takes on these characters and was surprised by the reveal. There is a wonderful unpredictability to this series and I love being consistently excited and surprised by everything happening on this world. There is some awesome action in this story as well and everything in it makes me excited to see what comes next for the Ultimates.

The Art: Frigeri delivers some beautiful art in this issue. I love the character designs as well as the action. It was visually stunning throughout.

The Ultimates #5



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