The Ultimates #10

Marvel Comics

Written by Deniz Camp

Art by Juan Frigeri

Colors by Federico Blee

Letters by Travis Lanham

The Rundown: Steve Rogers takes the Ultimates on a personal mission to retrieve a friend.

With Tony Stark still recovering, Steve Rogers decides to take his Ultimates team into the field for a personal mission. One that he and Jim Hammond are familiar with; stopping Nazis. This time, their mission is the headquarters of a group following the teachings of both Red Skull and Frank Castle and the Ultimates will have to go in quiet in order to retrieve something personal to the old soldiers.

After infiltrating the base, they find what they are looking for before being confronted by the Grand Skull and his forces. As the battle rages, Steve discovers that there is a consequence to Stark’s plan to create heroes as well as discovering not only an old friend, but also a secret about the Grand Skull that will hit him personally.

The Story: Camp delivers thrills and great action throughout the story. I like seeing this team come together and how different the dynamics are between them. I liked having the narration come from Hammond and getting his perspective on the team and their mission. I also really liked the twist in the story with the Grand Skull. I admit that I had my suspicions about his identity while I was reading the story, but Camp does a great job of making the suspense and reveal impactful.

The Art: Frigeri delivers stunning art throughout the issue. I love the character designs and how wonderfully detailed the action is.

The Ultimates #10



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