The Swamp Thing #16
DC Comics
Written by Ram V
Art by Mike Perkins
Colors by Mike Spicer
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Levi engages in a war of ideas with the emerging Parliaments.

The new and potentially destructive Parliaments have landed on Earth and Swamp Thing implores them to listen to Trinity. Unfortunately, the creature at the heart of the conflict has other ideas, but the Parliaments decide that they want to listen.
After Trinity conveys her story and implores them to make their own decision about what they want to be, the creature attacks and Swamp Thing leaps into action to stop it. A move that will change everything for the emerging Parliaments and create a new existence for Levi as Swamp Thing.
The Story: Ram V brings this arc to a satisfying, brilliant and thought provoking conclusion. I really enjoyed how the story focused on ideas and how those ideas led the characters and the ultimate resolution of the story. The story was beautifully intelligent in its execution and gave me more of an appreciation for the character of Swamp Thing and his place in the DC universe.
The Art: Perkins delivers some dazzling imagery throughout this issue. There is a beauty to every page and panel and I was blown away by the visuals throughout the story.