The Spectacular Spider-Men #2
Marvel Comics
Written by Greg Weisman
Art by Humberto Ramos
Inks by Victor Olazaba
Colors by Edgar Delgado
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Peter and Miles suspect that someone is changing the students on campus and run into some familiar faces during their investigation.

A murder victim has been brought to Jane Foster in the morgue to be identified and Spider-man decides to give the detective on the case a clue that the victim could possibly be a clone. The next day, Miles makes his way to the coffee shop to meet Peter for their regular meeting, but something strange is happening on campus.
Students throughout the campus are getting into strange romantic entanglements that are having real world effects on them. After one of the shop employees begins acting strangely, Peter and Miles suit up to investigate and discover that something strange is happening beneath the university itself.
The Story: Weisman continues to create a fun new series with this issue. I love the banter between Peter and Miles as well as the recurring characters that the reader becomes connected to. I like the mystery in this arc as well and how it keeps my attention. I believe there is an interesting red herring being played out and that the true villain will be someone or something interesting. All of those elements make me interested in reading more.
The Art: Ramos delivers some beautifully detailed and visually fun art throughout the issue. I love the visual style of this series and how it matches the lighter, fun tone of the story.