The Space Between #2
BOOM! Studios
Written by Corinna Bechko
Art by Danny Luckert
Colors by Danny Luckert
Letters by Jim Campbell
The Rundown: The changes to the Dodona and its culture will take some violent turns.

It’s been years since Les and Revla bucked the establishment on the Dodona and their granddaughter will find herself in the middle of a new revolution when she meets a young man named Pari from the lower caste. A young man who has become the poster boy for change on the ship thanks to a charismatic leader named Lonan.
In the wake of attacks on the ship and Lonan attempting to seize power on the ship, Pari and Bee will have to find a way to work together to make changes to their world.
The Story: Bechko delivers an entertaining story in this issue that does a great job of continuing the story and expanding the world of these characters. I continue to be interested in the lore of this series and how beautifully it parallels many of the social issues that we deal with today. The characters and their journeys are compelling as well and I look forward to seeing how this story progresses in the next issue.
The Art: Luckert has a wonderful visual eye and the art in the issue is sublime on several levels. Every page has something new and interesting to see and the imagery evokes a new and engaging world for the reader.