The Power Fantasy #3
Image Comics
Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Caspar Wijngaard
Colors by Caspar Wijngaard
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: As Etienne’s power continues to grow, his relationship with Valentina is revealed.

A special little girl is born to save the world and as her power continues to grow, she continues on her mission and meets a little boy who seems to know about her because of his growing powers. In the present, Valentina meets with another powerful person who wants her help to deal with Etienne.
As she leaves, she continues to think back on her dealings with governments and a moment when she realized that they are a danger to her before she receives a message from Etienne asking her for help as he travels to meet with another person like them.
The Story: Gillen continues to create an interesting and deeply compelling story with intriguing characters throughout. I continue to be immersed and intrigued by this world and the events that unfold throughout it as well as the rising tension with the characters. I love these characters and this world. There are so many great moments and teases of not only the power of these characters, but what their potential conflict could be. I am all in with this series and cannot wait for what comes next.
The Art: Wijngaard delivers some beautifully detailed and ethereal art throughout this issue. The art is brilliantly done and compelling throughout.