The Penguin #3
DC Comics
Written by Tom King
Art by Rafael De Latorre
Colors by Marcelo Maiolo
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Penguin goes on a recruiting mission as he prepares to return to Gotham.

With the Help at his side, Penguin visits Metropolis to get information. Information about the former Major Victory and his former teammates in the Force of July.
After discovering their locations, Penguin pays each of them a visit using either persuasion or fear to get them in line for the next part of his mission.
The Story: King continues to develop an interesting story in this series, but this issue left me cold for the most part. I’ve been anticipating seeing this series move forward, but after the intense and compelling last issue, this one feels tedious to the point of feeling unnecessary. The story has some interesting moments with Penguin showing how ruthless and manipulative he can be, but the characters are all flat and have nothing challenging enough about to make me care either about who they are or what happens to them.
The Art: De Latorre makes up for the lack of compelling story with awesome and beautifully detailed art.