The Midnite Show #3
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Brian Hurtt
Colors by Bill Crabtree
Letters by Jim Campbell
The Rundown: The survivors of the film massacre look for a way to stop a dangerous ritual.

The survivors continue to make their way through the streets of the deserted town with Van Helsing in tow telling them the truth about why the silver screen monsters have converged. Dracula is attempting to become king of the monsters with a ceremony that will give him ultimate power.
After finding other survivors, the group is attacked by a creature from beneath the waves and cornered by the werewolf. After finding a way to escape, they decide to destroy the film to end the ceremony, but Frankenstein and Dracula have other ideas.
The Story: Bunn crafts an entertaining and thrilling adventure in this issue. The story has some great scares and surprises throughout while continuing to craft an interesting world for both the characters and the reader. An immersive and suspenseful issue that ends on a great cliffhanger.
The Art: Hurtt deliver fantastic art in the issue. I love the visual style of the series and how the story delivers great moments of gore as well as awesome classic character designs with a twist.