The Many Deaths of Laila Starr #5
BOOM! Studios
Written by Ram V
Illustrated by Filipe Andrade
Colors by Ines Amaro
Letters by AndWorld Design
The Rundown: Laila and Darius meet one final time.

A young girl seeks the aid of someone unusual. Meanwhile, Laila Starr seeks out Darius several years after their last encounter. The two then have an enlightening conversation. Afterwards, Laila assists Darius in his various tasks. Finally, Darius gifts Laila with a prized possession. She then makes a thoughtful decision.
The Story: Ram V ends his treatise of life and death in a manner befitting the griots of yesteryear. This masterful work is comprised of compelling dialogue enhanced by a poetic narration in a manner that is sublime. I found myself thunderstruck and awash with tears as I turned each page. This series has been a joy to read. I dare say it has not only taken a spot in my top ten, but burned a place in my heart.
The Art: The detailed illustrations created by Andrade and Amaro feature a mix of colors. But, leans heavily on blue and purple tones. Although this edition features the same dreamlike quality previously uses in the series, it incorporates a realism that perfectly fits the ending narrative. I found this issue to be emotionally engaging and captivating.