The Lonesome Hunters #1
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Tyler Crook
Art by Tyler Crook
Colors by Tyler Crook
Letters by Tyler Crook
The Rundown: An old man and a young woman will find themselves connected through supernatural events.

Howard is an old man living on his own and seemingly unable to die. He is also haunted by events from his past that cost him his father and his purpose while cursing him with a connection to a magical sword that is keeping him alive. As he strives to return to his loneliness, he finds himself face to face with a young woman named Lupe.
Lupe lives in the same building as Howard and has stolen a special watch that her uncle stole from someone else. A watch he is desperate to retrieve, but she’s handed to Howard. When a creature breaks into their apartment and seemingly possesses her uncle, Lupe goes to Howard for help and the old man must call on his weapon and stamp down his fear if he hopes to survive what comes next.
The Story: Crook does a brilliant job of creating atmosphere with both the setting and the characters. The plot is interesting mostly because of the characters themselves. Howard has a lot to deal with personally and I like that most of his life is kept a secret because it gives the reader something to look forward to as the story progresses. I am definitely interested in seeing where this story goes next.
The Art: Crook pulls double duty with the art in the issue and I love the style. Every page not only evokes the tone of the story but also the emotions of the characters.