The Immortal Hulk #3

Marvel Comics

Written by Al Ewing

Art by Joe Bennett, Paul Hornschemeier, Leonardo Romero, Marguerite Sauvage and Garry Brown

Inks by Ruy Jose

Colors by Paul Mounts, Marguerite Sauvage and Paul Hornschemeier

Letters by Cory Petit and Paul Hornschemeier

Jackie McGee is hot on the trail of Bruce Banner and his alter ego and her investigation leads her to South Dakota and a series of interviews with witnesses to a recent Hulk sighting and each witness has their own interpretation of both the events and the motives of the green goliath. The police officer who responded to the incident has a take on it that is reflected in the Kirby-esque style of art in his interpretation. It’s like a golden age comic in his recollection. A local bartender has a different take. Not on the events in the church, but in his interactions with a dirty and disheveled Bruce Banner.

An old woman in the church has her own interpretation of the attacker being a young James Deen and her infatuation with him is reflected in her art as well. The priest in the church tells a tale of darkness and horror. While all of their accounts differ, what is clear is that Hulk intervenes in a hostage situation in the church and the person holding the hostages is both desperate and enhanced. A combination that seems to be leading to a bigger mystery.

Al Ewing does a great job of exploring Hulk as perception in the minds of the witnesses. Each one of them interprets the creature in a manner that says more about them than Hulk himself. I wanted to know more about why the kid took hostages in the first place and what happened to his girlfriend. It seems like an interesting mystery that is almost directly linked to Hulk in some way. That being said, the button at the end of the issue does a great job of bringing another Marvel hero into this story.

I liked that each interview was handled in a different visual style. It helped to distinguish the different voices and add character to their individual narratives. Each artist brought something unique to this issue. As heavy as the first two issues of Immortal Hulk have been, this one gives the reader a chance to take a breath and concentrate on the evolving story.

The Immortal Hulk #3




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