The Immortal Hulk #17
Marvel Comics
Written by Al Ewing
Art by Joe Bennett
Inks by Ruy Jose
Color sby Paul Mounts
Letters by Cory Petit
Dr. McGowan is brought in to Shadow Base Site B to witness the death of the Hulk. General Fortean has Banner exactly where he wants him and explains how he was able to draw in and trap the Hulk. Bushwacker is poised to finally take Banner out once and for all. Unfortunately, neither one of them is dealing with Banner anymore.
Joe FixIt is in control of Banner and over the course of the issue, we discover why. Both his attitude and ability to improvise come into play as Bushwacker stalks the injured Banner throughout the base. Joe uses his ability to improvise to find the one thing he really needs, a computer. Admittedly not a genius like Banner, Joe isn’t without a few tricks up his sleeve and when Bushwacker finally emerges to take Banner out for good, he discovers too late that the Joe has turned their biggest weapon against them and used Banner to do it.
Undeterred, Fortean and McGowan prep their latest weapon to fight the Hulk and this one will have a personal connection to the green Goliath.
Al Ewing takes the Hulk and Bruce Banner on some intense emotional, physical and psychological journeys in this title and this issue is no exception. Having Joe FixIt return and the way Ewing utilizes him in the story is brilliant. There are effective elements of both thriller and horror throughout this issue and the pace and dialogue move the story in ways that build and sustain tension. I can’t wait to see what Ewing has planned for Hulk next and the reveal at the end of this issue signals that it is going to be something big.
Joe Bennett’s art in this issue is beautiful and brutal in equal measure. There are some visually stunning panels in this issue.