The Human Target #8

DC Comics

Written by Tom King

Art by Greg Smallwood

Colors by Greg Smallwood

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: Chance has a run in with a friend of Guy Gardner while the clock is ticking on his life. 

It’s day 8 and Chance finds his investigation interrupted by an attack from Rocket Red. An attack that leaves Ice down and Chance captured and interrogated about the whereabouts of Guy Gardner. An interrogation that Chance refuses to allow and whose punishment he consistently takes to protect his secret. 

As the day progresses and Chance finds himself in more and more danger, his refusal to confess what happened to the missing Green Lantern will lead to an intense confrontation and the revelation that his time is running out faster than he would like. 

The Story: A wonderfully tense plot filled with great dialogue and a sense of immediacy that kept me engaged and riveted. I continue to be in awe with the direction of this series and the choices that King makes in telling this story. The characters continue to be compelling and the stakes for the character keep me coming back for more. 

The Art: Smallwood delivers some beautiful art on every page. The unique style of the art brilliantly emphasizes the characters while also giving the reader a great sense of the world of the story and the emotions of the characters within it. 

The Human Target #8



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