The Human Target #3
DC Comics
Written by Tom King
Art by Greg Smallwood
Colors by Greg Smallwood
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Chance continues his investigation with a dangerous superhero dogging his steps.

Chance’s dreamlike day with Ice comes crashing into sober reality when he awakens the next day to find Ice’s ex Guy Gardner sitting in his apartment. After challenging Chance to stay away from her, the two get into it and it doesn’t go well for Christopher. In the aftermath, Ice arrives and the two continue their investigation by going to see Booster Gold.
Unfortunately, Guy continues to dog their movements and Chance has to find new and interesting ways to get rid of the persistent Green Lantern. After talking with Booster, the pair continue their investigation. With time running out for Chance, he cannot be distracted by his feelings for Ice and when he returns home, he faces another confrontation with Guy Gardner.
The Story: King continues to craft an entertaining and engaging mystery in this issue. The Guy Gardner conflict makes for some excellent drama and does a great job of showing Chance’s vulnerability as well as the stakes for his continued investigation. The Chance/Ice relationship continues to be intriguing and I like its development. I cannot wait to see where this story goes next.
The Art: Smallwood’s art style continues to brilliantly highlight the characters and the tone of the story King is creating with his series.