The Good Asian #9
Image Comics
Written by Pornsak Pichetshote
Art by Alexandre Tefenkgi
Colors by Lee Loughridge
Letters by Jeff Powell
The Rundown: Edison Hark and Lucy Fan investigate Victoria Carroway and her connections to Chinatown.

Edison’s miraculous escape from a cataclysmic event is detailed and significant events from his past are relayed. Then, he and Lucy discuss current events including Lucy’s recent findings regarding the case involving Ivy Chen. Later on, Edison is confronted by a recent enemy. Afterwards, he reconnects with Lucy, and the two formulate a plan. Finally, Edison and Lucy make a discovery.
The Story: The penultimate chapter of this brilliant series does much to connect the dots of this detective thriller. This recap and explanation of complex events is greatly appreciated as the story begins to wind down. And as always, Pichetshote combines detective work with cultural significance as he boldly describes the angst felt by many people of color in a white privileged society.
As Edison describes his current physical condition to Lucy, she wisely points out why he feels the need to hide his altered state. Her comments are as hard-hitting as they are succinct, and it’s painful to witness, especially as there are so many people in current times that feel the same way. The juxtaposition between the disparate viewpoints of Edison and Lucy does not escape my attention and I would be remiss not to also bring up the varying beliefs of those who are the children of immigrants. Lucy is as dedicated to her community as Edison is wary of it. I find the duo an interesting pairing and I am glad Pichetshote presented these two characters in such a manner.
I am both excited for the upcoming series finale, and sad that such a well-crafted series is coming to an end. I look forward to finding out how the newest piece of this dizzying puzzle ties the story together.
The Art: This issue uses traditional artwork to create a noir styling that compliments the tone of the story. The varying colorwork and attention to detail is emotionally connective and commands the reader’s attention. I felt completely transported with the turn of each page.