The Flash #775
DC Comics
Written by Jeremy Adams
Art by Fernando Pasarin
Inks by Matt Ryan
Colors by Jeremy Cox
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: An unknown weapon lands in Central City and brings with it a spreading hatred.

When a mysterious spear falls to Earth and lands in Central City, Flash and Mr. Terrific enlist the help of Superman to remove it from the ground. A task that is more difficult than it seems. When Wally tries to joke with a struggling Clark, the man of steel turns on him. After Superman leaves, Wally returns to work while Holt works on the strange readings coming from the weapon. A quick trip home gets a cold reception from his wife and Wally starts to think something is wrong with everyone around him.
When Wally gets an alert, he races back to the city to find out what’s wrong and is attacked by Mr. Terrific. After stopping Holt, things get more interesting when Trickster goes after the spear. Wally manages to stop him, but his troubles are only getting bigger when an army of super villains descend on the city fighting amongst themselves for the weapon. A weapon that seems to be fueled by and emits hatred among everyone. A weapon that is waiting for the right person to take it and with it free its actual owner.
The Story: The biggest stand out in this story is Wally’s personality and how it perfectly fits this story. Adams does a great job of keeping the character interesting and the story compelling by making moments subtle and building the narrative. What follows is an entertaining and fun story for Wally that kept me engaged throughout. The story was entertaining and filled with great action and heart.
The Art: Pasarin delivers some exciting and visually thrilling imagery throughout the issue. Not only did the characters look amazing, but the scene with the villains coming for the weapon was beautifully composed.
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October 31, 2021 - 1:09 pmCool