The Flash #773
DC Comics
Written by Jeremy Adams
Art by Will Conrad
Colors by Alex Sinclair
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: Flash continues his hunt for Heatwave as Wally tries to keep his new job.

After rescuing everyone from a burning cancer center started by Heatwave, Wally finds himself late for his first day of work. After discovering an issue with an experiment, the scientists leave it to him to order what they need. Bored with waiting, Wally decides to speed out of the lab and find something to do. Unfortunately, that means running into Heatwave again.
At the same time, Jessica Cruz and another member of the Yellow Lantern Corps discover that there is something races through the galaxy that Sinestro will need to know about. Meanwhile, Wally confronts Mick and discovers the reason why he has returned to setting fires.
The Story: Adams crafts an enjoyable adventure for Wally in this issue. The more somber elements work well for the story and the pacing is perfect for the character. The humor works and the domestic life of Wally West is something that gives the character an element that is both endearing and charming. The Yellow Lantern moment was interesting, but felt out of place. A solid adventure with an interesting ending.
The Art: Will Conrad does great work with the art in the issue. There is a great sense of movement with the art that works perfectly with the character.