The Flash #772
DC Comics
Written by Jeremy Adams
Art by Will Conrad
Colors by Alex Sinclair
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: Wally prepares to take a new step in his life while an old enemy decides to go out with a bang.

Wally continues to settle back into life with his wife Linda and their kids when the reality of the real world creeps in. Low on funds, Wally decides to get a job to make some extra money. His first day is interrupted by Mr. Terrific who has a different job in mind for someone with Wally’s unique skills.
At the same time, Mick Rory gets some bad news about his health. After earning that he doesn’t have much time left, Mick decides that it’s time to don his Heatwave costume again. When a fire breaks out at the hospital, Flash runs into investigate and finds himself face to face with the rogue who isn’t done yet.
The Story: Adams crafts a good story for Wally that does a great job of showcasing both his domestic and hero lives. I liked seeing Wally deal with real world troubles and how Holt fits into the story. The dialogue is great and the story has some fun twists and turns that make me interested in seeing what comes next.
The Art: Conrad delivers some great action in this issue. What makes the visuals more compelling is the great contrast between the action beats and the human stories.