The Flash #766
DC Comics
Written by Kevin Shinick
Art by Will Conrad
Colors by Hi-Fi
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: Barry has one last shot at stopping Alchemy, but it could cost him his very soul.
Alchemy is on the loose with the element that Barry created. An element that allows the villain to tap into the powers of the Philosopher’s Stone without having the actual stone itself. Before he escapes, one of the personalities inside Alchemy tells Barry that the only way to stop them from causing more havoc is for Flash to use his skills as a chemist to create a new stone.

Barry brings Iris to the Hall of Justice to keep her safe and proceeds to get advice on what he should do next. Knowing that there are risks to himself and his sanity if he creates another stone, Flash must utilize the advice of the people close to him to make a decision. With a plan in place, Barry returns to Central City to find his enemy changing the properties of everything around him. With one chance left, Barry will face Dr. Alchemy again, but this time he has a new plan.
The Story: Kevin Shinick ends this story really well. The story moves at a great pace and takes the time to be introspective without being boring. There are some great character moments for Barry and it is interesting to see him utilized as a scientist first and a hero second. The story unfolds well and ends with a note towards the future that makes me interested in where the story goes next.
The Art: Will Conrad delivers some awesome art in this issue. There are moments filled with beautiful detail and the action scenes are thrilling in their composition and complexity.