The Expanse #2
Boom! Studios
Written by Corinna Bechko
Art by Alejandro Aragon
Color by Francesco Segala
Letters by Ed Dukeshire
The Rundown: Bobbie Draper gets help from an old friend on Mars, while Chrisjen Avasarala is forced into an unexpected Meeting.
This story treats the reader to the parallel adventures of Bobbie and Avasarala. It opens with Bobbie Draper hiding from pursuers on the surface of Mars. She then makes a desperate call for help. After receiving a lift from an old friend, she uses the opportunity to make a business connection. She then sends a message to Avasarala before turning off all communications for the night.

Meanwhile on Luna, while see her daughter off for home, Avasarala runs into an employee and makes inquiries into his current situation. Once back at her office, she make inquiries to a contact for information on anyone mass recruiting workers. When Avasarala is approached by a potential captor, her escape attempt leads her to seek help out of a desperate situation.
The Story: I’m impressed with the level of energy this story provides. Much like in the series it follows, Corinna Bechko finds a way to make The Expanse exciting despite the majority of the action taking place through either conversation or internal monologue. And the cliffhanger ending definitely left me impatient for more.
The Art: Alejandro Aragon uses simple illustrations that are set off by the watercolor effects of Francesco Segala. The resulting intensity plays brilliantly with a limited action storyline. It causes the reader to feel the internal conflict of the characters as they are learn more about their ultimate objectives.