The Department of Truth #3

Image Comics

Written by James Tynion IV

Art by Martin Simmonds

Letters by Aditya Bidikar

The Rundown: Cole takes his first assignment in the field and sees what the results of misdirected belief can be.

An all too American tragedy will find a mother not only lose her child, but also face the ire of those who believe the school shooting that killed her child was a hoax. After becoming vocal and calling for gun control measures, she became a target and that’s when things got really dangerous. After finding a flash drive with information designed to make her believe that she and her son were faking is death and that she was a “crisis actor”, she started to believe it as well.

Unfortunately, her belief would translate into belief of something much worse and much deeper. Cole and Ruby are tasked with removing the drive that caused the trouble, but they are not only confronted by the woman herself, but also the fact that Black Hat is involved and probably watching.

The Story: James Tynion IV crafts a daring, prescient and well done thriller in this issue. Not only do the characters have substance, but the plot is infinitely intriguing in how it is set up and how it is allowed to unfold. I am impressed with how daring the story is in its details and the dark places it dares to go. This was definitely a dark and tragic tale and I am interested in seeing where the plot goes next.

The Art: Martin Simmonds has a unique visual style and it is perfectly served with this story, its characters and its subject matter. A beautiful looking issue from start to finish.

The Department of Truth #3



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