The Department of Truth #21
Image Comics
Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Martin Simmonds
Colors by Martin Simmonds
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Cole and Ruby travel to the archives of the Department and discover treachery.

Cole and Ruby race to Kentucky and Cole learns the truth about Fort Knox and how the power of belief allowed the Department to create a secret area where all of the Department’s archives could be stored. To make matters more dangerous, it is revealed that Hawk and Lee invited the now dead Russian intelligence agent to store his department’s secrets there as well.
After finding their way into the archives, the pair discover that not only have all of the files and information been removed, but that a message was left for Lee stating that they are being used by Black Hat to bring down the Department and the country itself. To make matters worse, Cole discovers a note that incriminates someone close to him.
The Story: After some great world building and character development, James Tynion IV takes the reader into a dangerous, provocative and entertaining story filled with intrigue and surprises. I loved every twist and turn this story took and each moment builds to something better. I also love the ideas at play in the story and how the story engages the reader to think and imagine.
The Art: Simmonds art is visually provocative and engages me on a visceral level. There are so many great panels and pages to connect with.