The Department of Truth #18
Image Comics
Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Martin Simmonds
Colors by Martin Simmonds
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: As Cole contemplates his future with the Department, a ghost from Lee’s past will put the Department at risk.

At the tail end of the Cold War, Lee travels to Moscow to meet with his counterpart from the Soviet Department of Lies. A meeting that Lee believes is his opportunity to gloat, but the man leaves with an ominous prediction about the future.
In the present, Cole continues to have issues that are effecting his personal life. Issues that force him to confide in Ruby who gives him some harsh truth. A truth that will bring Lee full circle when a body is discovered on American soil.
The Story: James Tynion IV crafts an ominous and dark story in this issue. I like that the story is getting back to the characters like Cole and Ruby. I love the conflict within Cole and how his time at the Department is changing him. I like seeing Lee’s point of view change with his experiences and it will be interesting to see how the two work together with this latest mystery.
The Art: Simmonds delivers some brilliantly disturbing imagery throughout the issue. The style continues to be one of the reasons I look forward to each issue.