The Department of Truth #17
Image Comics
Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Jorge Fornes
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Lee and his boss deliver a bold proposal to the new president that will set the stage for the department’s ascension and mission.

Lee finds himself standing in the middle of the Oval Office with his boss Frank Capra as the newly elected President Nixon is brought into the room. The two are there to tell the president about the department they run and how they will need his help to shape the impression of America around the world. After briefing him on the history of the department and its mission, they tell him what their next plan will be.
As the two work on their plans, Capra has doubts about their mission as well as questions about the mystery woman who continues to play an active role in thwarting them. A woman whose existence will lead to bigger and stranger questions. Later, Lee watches a pivotal moment of history unfold with the help of the department and Nixon sees the potential in what they are doing. A potential that Nixon decides only Lee can bring to life.
The Story: James Tynion IV delivers some scary and entertaining moments in this issue by leaning into conspiracies that continue to live on today. The story has great character layers to it and I continue to be both impressed and engaged with the mystery in the story. Lee is becoming a more rounded character and his arc is compelling. I love the progression of this issue and the wonderful surprise at the end of it.
The Art: Jorge Fornes delivers some fantastic art. The visuals are vibrant. There is a wonderful use of shadow throughout and the imagery beautifully sets the mood of the story.