The Death of Doctor Strange #5
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Lee Garbett
Colors by Antonio Fabela
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Strange crafts a surprising return but magic comes at a price.

Strange squares off against Kaecilius as the Three Mothers and the Peregrine Child arrive. As the warlords attempt to flee, Strange prevents them and forces them to stand and face what they’ve done. Unable to teleport away from the fight, Strange reveals that he is not acting alone to hold them there. As Kaecilius attacks, he finds that all of the spells he used to protect himself are no match for the one thing he forgot Stephen Strange is, a doctor.
With a return that stuns everyone, Strange rallies everyone to prepare for battle. With both the X-Men and the Avengers in the fight, Strange rallies the warlords into battle. As the heroes battle, Strange reminds the one he returned of the cost of magic and bounds him to a promise if they survive. As the Three Mothers rally, they find themselves facing off against multiple sorcerer supremes from across the universe. A battle that will result in a new beginning for some and an end for others.
The Story: MacKay brings this story to an interesting conclusion. There are some great surprises throughout the story and it has a lot of heartfelt moments that I appreciate as a fan of the character. There is great action in the issue as well and the story builds to a wonderful and bittersweet conclusion.
The Art: Garbett delivers some great on every page of this issue. The characters look great and the style is perfect for both the character moments and the big action moments as well.