The Boys Dear Becky #7
Dynamite Entertainment
Written by Garth Ennis
Art by Russ Braun
Colors by Tony Avina
Letters by Simon Bowland
The Rundown: Billy comes to a conclusion about who he is as another chance to deal a blow to Vought presents itself.
Hughie continues to read Billy’s book and this time he decides to include Annie as he tells her everything he’s read so far and what it means for the man he called a friend. Billy finds himself back in the UK and runs into an old friend of his and Becky’s after a mission. A friend that proceeds to rail about politics and prompts an unexpected response from Billy Butcher.

When he returns to the states, he meets with his informant within Vought and his handler brings news that could bring a lot of negative press to the organization. As Hughie and Annie come to an understanding about their relationship, Billy decides to pay a visit to the executive at Vought and send him a message.
The Story: There has been a lot of build up from Ennis regarding the this story and I wanted to see how everything ultimately played out. Unfortunately, I wound up disappointed by the lack of resolution with this story. The Hughie/Annie arc goes nowhere after what has been building up for the entirety of this series. Billy’s story is interesting, but it ultimately goes nowhere either and while the ending was satisfactorily brutal in its depiction, nothing in the story made that moment feel earned.
The Art: Russ Braun delivers some great imagery throughout the issue, but the story doesn’t give Braun much to do beyond panels of Billy walking, Billy talking and an ending that comes out of nowhere.