The Avengers #22
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Farid Karami
Colors by Federico Blee
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: The Avengers stage an elaborate heist to retrieve information they need to save the world.

After Kang tells Carol about the Tribulation Events that the Avengers will face, she brings an idea to the team after discovering that information they need is being held at an alien casino run by the Grandmaster. Wanda believes the best way to get the information is to stage a heist and steal it.
As the team infiltrates the casino, Wanda, Vision and Storm decide to provide a distraction for the casino floor while Tony, Carol and Sam break into the vault. As they make their way into the location, they discover that the data has already been taken by a very familiar face.
The Story: MacKay crafts a fun story in this issue, but many of the character moments seem off. Not only does the heist scenario feel cliché in multiple aspects, but throughout the story I could tell exactly what was going to happen at the end of it. While there was an interesting reveal at the end of the issue, too much of the plot was predictable to find it enjoyable or interesting.
The Art: Karami delivers some compelling visuals throughout the issue. The visual style is interesting, but didn’t really connect with me as far as the look of the characters.