The Avengers #2

Marvel Comics

Written by Jed MacKay

Art by C.F. Villa

Colors by Federico Blee

Letters by Cory Petit

The Rundown: An old enemy reveals a coming threat as the Avengers race around the world to save lives.

The Avengers separate to conduct smaller missions around the world. Missions designed to save a thousand innocent people. Black Panther takes down a group of hostage taking HYDRA agents while Thor stops a train before it crashes and Iron Man teams with Vision to stop a plane crash. All missions that are successful with the help of Kang the Conqueror.

Carol finds herself in an unknown location with a severely injured Kang who offers to help the Avengers save a thousand people in exchange for listening to him as he tells Carol about a series of bigger threats coming to the Earth. Threats that will begin the emergence of something called the Impossible City.

The Story: MacKay brings the action, adventure and mystery to the forefront in this issue. All of the Avengers are given great moments, but I love the moment between Sam and the truck driver. It’s a great personal interlude among the high stakes action. The story has a great tone to it and I love having Kang at the center doing something unexpected for his own ends. The drama and mystery are heightened with the revelations in the story and I’m anticipating what comes next.

The Art: Villa delivers some beautiful imagery throughout the issue. From the fantastic action to the beautiful character moments, the issue is a visual thrill to read.

The Avengers #2



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