The Avengers #17
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Valerio Schiti
Colors by Bryan Valenza
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: The Avengers take stock on recent events as a new threat emerges from below their feet.

In the wake of the Blood Hunt, Carol calls the Avengers together to deal with their failure to anticipate the devastation and loss of life. As Tony tries to counsel her on her feelings of guilt, the rest of the team deals with the aftermath in their own ways while Sam Wilson goes on a recruiting mission to get a new perspective on the team.
At the same time, a mysterious person delivers information to a reporter. Information that will include a manifesto to the world from a former hero who has decided that both his life and that of everyone on Earth should come to a quick and violent end.
The Story: MacKay crafts a story filled with introspection and speculation within the Avengers and I like seeing them on their heels emotionally. It’s welcoming to see them deal with the darker aspects of what they recently went through and try to find meaning within it. At the same time, I like seeing a bigger threat emerge as the Avengers deal with their own failures and the possibility of not repeating them. The story is a welcome respite from the events of Blood Hunt and segues into an interesting new arc for the characters to face.
The Art: Schiti offers some beautiful imagery throughout the issue. The art is vibrant and beautifully detailed both in its characters and the action.