The Avengers #11
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Ivan Fiorelli
Colors by Federico Blee
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: The Avengers receive some familiar help to make their base a home.

Carol and the other Avengers continue to discuss what to do with the Ashen Combine that they have imprisoned on the Impossible City. Not wanting to turn their new base into a prison, they discuss what to do with the powerful entities when they receive a visitor in the form of Edwin Jarvis and his new apprentice.
After Jarvis gets to work connecting to the city, hie apprentice gets sick and the result is a group of creatures that attack the city and Avengers under the direction of an old enemy who has his own plans for the Combine.
The Story: MacKay delivers an entertaining and fun story in this issue. I like the continuation of the Ashen Combine storyline and the direction it’s taking. The story has some great character moments and I loved the banter between Vision and Wanda. The story has some great moments for Jarvis and delivers on the promise of the character and his relationship with the Avengers.
The Art: Fiorelli delivers some great art in the issue. The action is visually exciting and I really enjoy the character designs.