The Avengers #10
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by C.F. Villa
Colors by Federico Blee
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: The Avengers continue their battle against the Twilight Court as Kang receives a visitor.

The Avengers continue to battle the Twilight Court at their new base on the Impossible City. At the same time, Kang receives a visit from the Court’s leader Myrddin who decides to let the conqueror live, but without the information he came to the Avengers to reveal. Information about a bigger threat and a prize both men are searching for.
In the aftermath of their battle, two members of the Avengers return to the Nightmare realm to confront its ruler. A confrontation that will reveal another motive behind his recent attack and how it might be a clue to the mystery haunting Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
The Story: MacKay continues to craft an entertaining and engaging story for the characters. I truly enjoy how layered this arc has been and how it connects to the previous one. The overall Kang storyline is interesting as well and has some great teases to future conflicts for the characters. I really enjoy both elements of this plot and how it teases future threats to the Avengers that I want to see explored.
The Art: Villa crafts some beautifully detailed and stylish art that immediately grabbed my attention visually with the wonderful use of shadow, shading and colors from Blee that made many of the moments leap off the page for me.