The Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #1

Marvel Comics

Written by Justina Ireland

Art by Marcelo Ferreira

Inks by Roberto Poggi

Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg

Letters by Cory Petit

The Rundown: Spider-Man teams up with some friends to find a possible cure for the vampire plague.

Spider-Man is on the hunt through the city fighting vampires along the way when he is ambushed by the Lizard who turns out to be working with Misty Knight. Misty convinces Spidey to help her by telling him there is a possible cure, but the person who created it is a missing Michael Morbius.

After teaming up, the three find themselves at an abandoned Beyond lab to get information on where to find Morbius. Their next stop is a church defending citizens against the invasion and Peter starts to wonder why the vampires seem to have targeted him and Misty personally.

The Story: Ireland crafts an engaging and entertaining story in this issue. I’m just getting into the Blood Hunt storyline and this part of the story makes sense for Spider-Man in what he can do to stop an army of vampires. It teases that he is going to have to use his head to find a solution his fists can’t solve and I look forward to seeing the search for Morbius in this part of the story.

The Art: Ferreira delivers beautifully detailed and visually thrilling art throughout the issue. The imagery is lively and brilliantly composed to maximize the action and drama of the plot.

The Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #1



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