The Amazing Spider-Man #9
Marvel Comics
Written by Zeb Wells
Art by Patrick Gleason
Colors by Marcio Menyz
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Spidey goes on the hunt for Mary Jane with some mutant backup.

In the wake of the Hellfire Gala, Peter finds himself giving a psychic account of his confrontation with MJ as she’s being controlled and used by Moira. Impatient and worried, Peter wants answers and learns that the mutants were in communication with MJ during the gala including his new partner Wolverine.
In an attempt to free Mary Jane from Moira’s control, Greycrow tracks Moira’s location and both Spider-Man and Wolverine move in to help her. The pair make a dangerous attempt to both free Mary Jane and stop Moira’s cybernetic form once and for all.
The Story: Wells does a great job of rounding out this story from the Hellfire Gala. I liked seeing Peter rattled by the situation and having Logan interact with him throughout the story. The plot was faster paced which worked to get to the action and the resolution keeps in line with the bigger mystery arc of what happened to Peter that has made everyone in his life turn away from him including MJ.
The Art: Gleason delivers some beautiful and thrilling art in this issue. The action is fantastic and grabs the reader visually.