The Amazing Spider-Man #80
Marvel Comics
Written by Cody Zigler
Art by Michael Dowling
Colors by Jesus Aburtov and Erick Arciniega
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Ben is confronted with the limitations of his new life when Kraven decides to help him unlock his true nature.

Drugged by Kraven the Hunter, Spider-Man is unable to focus and is being assaulted by hallucinations. The tech in his suit is unable to help him as Kraven believes that he is helping his opponent see the world as it truly is. Ben attempts to escape and clear his head, but he can’t tell which way is up. Ben’s confusion only grows as he contemplates who he really is as Kraven continues to chide him for being a corporate stooge.
At the same time, Janine wants to know what’s happening with Ben and Marcus is in full panic mode when he is unable to locate Ben or the suit. When Ben finally awakens, he discovers that his wounds have been dressed and he is not alone. After discovering the missing Beyond employees, he confronts Kraven again. In the aftermath, Ben returns home and the Beyond Corporation begins their next phase in claiming the mantle of Spider-Man by going after Miles Morales.
The Story: Zigler crafts an entertaining story that explores Ben’s identity and his connection to Peter’s legacy. The Kraven interactions were interesting and the Beyond Corporation intrigue continues to keep me interested. I enjoyed the end of the issue immensely and what it could mean for Peter going forward.
The Art: Dowling does some great work with the art in the issue. The trippy visuals and changes in style work really well with the tone of the story.