The Amazing Spider-Man #7
Marvel Comics
Written by Zeb Wells
Art by John Romita Jr
Inks by Scott Hanna
Colors by Marcio Menyz
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Peter Parker continues his complicated relationships with the people in his life.

Tiana pays a visit to her grandfather and tells him that she knows that he is a killer. After leaving him, Toomes decides that it is finally time to kill Spider-Man for turning his granddaughter against him. At the same time, Peter Parker is invited to the offices of the new Oscorp to see what Norman is trying to do with his new found appreciation for life. A meeting that will become tense when he runs into Mary Jane in the building.
After accusing Norman of trying to manipulate him, Peter refuses to continue the project they were working together and leaves to take to the skies in costume. Unfortunately, Vulture has been hunting for him and decides to have a final showdown with Spider-Man.
The Story: Wells delivers another personal story for Peter in this issue and I continue to be curious about the events that have alienated him from Mary Jane and the people he cares about. I enjoyed the fact that the story is personal for Vulture as well and gives him some interesting motivation and emotional depth. I liked seeing the tension between Peter and Norman as well and look forward to what comes next after that thrilling cliffhanger ending.
The Art: John Romita Jr delivers some beautifully detailed art in the issue. There is a lot of emotion in the story and the art conveys that really well. I was impressed with the action as well.