The Amazing Spider-Man #67
Marvel Comics
Written by Nick Spencer
Art by Marcelo Ferriera and Carlos Gomez
Inks by Wayne Faucher, Marcelo Ferreiera and Carlos Gomez
Colors by Morry Hollowell and Andrew Crossley
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Peter meets with an old friend as his sister encounters one of his greatest enemies.

In a hidden prison in the mountains, Teresa Parker decides its time to get justice for the death of her friend. That means confronting the man responsible for his death, Chameleon. At the same time, Peter reunites with Betty Brant who has some big changes in her life to reveal. After discovering some potentially disturbing news about a story Betty is working on, Peter has to leave in a hurry to deal with a personal issue directly connected to Betty’s news.
As Peter deals with his personal guilt for not telling Betty the truth about what happened, Teresa’s quest for revenge takes an interesting turn when Chameleon reveals that he knows something about her parents. Peter’s lab partner has a run in with an unsavory character who knows about the technology he’s been working on and wants one of his own. As more surprises greet Peter at his next meeting with Betty, Teresa is offered the opportunity to learn the truth.
The Story: There is a lot going on in this issue and Nick Spencer does a great job of moving the pieces in ways that keep the plot and characters interesting. The themes of guilt continue to be intriguing as seen through the eyes of Peter Parker and how guilt motivates his choices makes for great drama. I’m interested in seeing where this story goes next and how the themes at play affect the character.
The Art: Both artists bring some impressive and beautifully detailed visuals to every page of this issue.