The Amazing Spider-Man #62
Marvel Comics
Written by Nick Spencer
Art by Patrick Gleason
Colors by Edgar Delgado
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Kingpin wants Boomerang brought to him and will use any means to do it.

Spidey races to find his roommate as Bullseye prepares to shoot Gog. With Boomerang completely unaware of the danger he’s in, Peter leaps in to save him just in time to find himself facing a fully grown Gog again. Things get more complicated when Peter has to wrangle the creature before he destroys the city. At the same time, Robbie has an uncomfortable reunion with Jameson.
In the aftermath, Boomerang is angry and upset. Determined to do whatever it takes to stop Fisk, Spider-Man finds himself tagging along as Boomerang goes out to stop Kingpin. The roommate drama gets even more complicated when Tombstone decides to go after Robbie’s son and Peter’s rommate Randy. After tracking down where the three of them live, he makes his way to the roof only to discover Randy isn’t alone and the person he’s with will shock the mob boss.
The Story: Spencer brilliantly melds humor, intrigue and adventure into this issue and the plot is great across the board. Everything from the Robbie/Jonah confrontation to the Spidey/Boomerang moments are handled perfectly. The plot has great pacing and rhythm. It moves from one moment to the next seamlessly and does an amazing job of bringing the reader to its shocking conclusion as two characters come to the same realization about people close to them.
The Art: Gleason delivers some beautiful art throughout the issue and strikes the perfect tone with the visuals. As great as each page was, the last few pages are some of the best I’ve seen in this series in a long time.