The Amazing Spider-Man #59
Marvel Comics
Written by Zeb Wells
Art by John Romia Jr.
Inks by Scott Hanna
Colors by Marcio Menyz
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Spider-Man confronts Tombstone to prevent him from killing his own daughter.

After crashing through a window, Spider-Man and Tombstone land in the street and continue their fight as Janice races to the subway to find a way to escape from her murderous father. Tombstone almost catches up to her to finish what he started, but Peter manages to intervene.
As Spider-Man fights to distract Tombstone and give Janice time to get away, the gangster continues his relentless attacks causing Peter to push himself beyond his limits to both stop Tombstone and keep him on his feet.
The Story: Wells has crafted an intense and engaging story with this arc. The only problem I have with this issue is that this fight went on way too long. All of the emotional impact this fight had was established in the last issue. The stakes were established as well. This issue has some intense action with the brutal fight between Spider-Man and Tombstone, but it never establishes itself as necessary for the story.
The Art: Romita Jr. delivers some beautifully detailed and brutal art throughout the issue. While the story itself dragged, the visuals were great to see.