The Amazing Spider-Man #56
Marvel Comics
Written by Zeb Wells
Art by John Romita Jr.
Inks by Scott Hanna
Colors by Marcio Menyz
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Spider-Man decides to tie up some loose ends with an old enemy.

In the wake of the Gang War, Peter pays a visit to his old friend Randy and discovers that he is still seeing Janice, Tombstone’s daughter. After being betrayed by Tombstone, Peter has decided that the new king of the underworld is a loose end that he needs to tie up.
After continuing to disrupt Tombstone’s operations and giving the rest of the underworld the impression that he and Spider-Man are working together, Tombstone decides to send everyone a message by killing Spider-Man and he’s going to start with Peter Parker. What he doesn’t know is that Peter has a plan.
The Story: Wells crafts an entertaining story in this issue. The buildup of tension and suspense was great and there were some great payoffs with the characters. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Gang War storyline, but it created some interesting drama for Peter and company and I liked seeing it revisited in a manner that not only satisfied, but also teased some bigger drama to come for the characters. I look forward to seeing what happens next in this series.
The Art: Romita Jr. delivers some wonderful art in the issue. Not only did I enjoy the character moments, but the action was visually exciting and beautifully detailed.