The Amazing Spider-Man #55

Marvel Comics

Written by Zeb Wells

Art by Emilio Laiso

Colors by Bryan Valenza

Letters by Joe Caramagna

The Rundown: Peter Parker has a date, but the responsibility of Spider-Man could end things quickly.

Peter Parker has a date with Shay and things already get off to a rocky start when the responsibilities of being Spider-Man make him incredibly late. To his surprise, she decides to stay and give him some much needed perspective on balancing life and responsibility.

Unfortunately, the lesson and the date will take an unexpected turn when Rhino and Screwball begin tearing through the streets and Peter decides to leave to take care of it. A move that will take a different turn when Peter decides to do something unexpected.

The Story: Wells crafts an entertaining story in this issue. The stakes are relatively low and it gives Peter the opportunity to be challenged on his idea of responsibility. I like the character of Shay and how she challenges his notions of priorities in how she balances her life. It’s an interesting conversation between the two of them and there is some fun, humorous moments between Peter and the villains in the issue.

The Art: Laiso delivers some great art in the issue. The visuals are fun, vibrant and beautifully detailed.

The Amazing Spider-Man #55



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