The Amazing Spider-Man #52
Marvel Comics
Written by Zeb Wells
Art by Ed McGuiness and Todd Nauck
Inks by Mark Farmer, Wade Von Grawbadger and Todd Nauck
Colors by Marcio Menyz and Erick Arciniega
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Ben attempts to help Peter break his connection to Green Goblin while a friend finds some strange allies.

Kraven stays behind to witness the battle between Chasm and the Green Goblin infused Spider-Man. At the same time, Normon Osborn makes more plans for Spider-Man and Peter Parker but finds things getting complicated when Kamala Khan pays him a visit.
As Chasm fights to free Peter from the influence of Norman Osborn, Kamala pays a visit to the machine that released this chaos and discovers that there is someone else there with information about what Norman has done and a plan to stop him.
The Story: After a shaky start, Wells manages to make something entertaining in this follow up issue. Bringing together elements of other arcs was a nice touch as they all have purpose in this battle between Norman and Peter. I liked the progression of the action in the story and how Kamala is utilized within it. The premise is still bad, but Wells manages to create some entertaining moments within it. Moments that might not cause me to skip the rest of this story and come back after it’s over.
The Art: McGuiness and Nauck deliver some great art in the issue. The visuals are bright, beautifully detailed and vibrant.