The Amazing Spider-Man #52.LR
Marvel Comics
Written by Nick Spencer and Matthew Rosenberg
Art by Federico Vicentini
Colors by Marcio Menyz and Erick Arcieniega
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: Doctor Strange and Black Cat team up to find a way to help Spider-Man stop Kindred.
With his allies free from the control of Kindred, the Spiders must work to help repair the damage they’ve done and rescue a scared populace from the consequences of their actions. Fortunately for them they will get some help in the form of Doctor Strange. With the civilians rescued, Strange enlists the others to help him as he attempts to enter the astral plane and rescue Peter from Kindred.

At the same time, Mary Jane wakes up to find herself in the presence of her rescuer, Norman Osborn. Freed from his sins, the remorseful Norman tries to convince Mary Jane to help him and more importantly, help Peter in his fight against Kindred. As Strange and the Spiders enter a Kindred controlled astral plane leaving Black Cat behind, Mary Jane will discover the familiar face behind the mask of Kindred and how he is connected to Norman.
The Story: Spencer and Rosenberg bring energy and stakes to this issue and everything works. The characters are done well and I enjoyed knowing that there would be repercussions for what Kindred made them do. I enjoyed the build up with all three stories including the Sin Eater storyline and I cannot wait to see how they all converge when they finally do.
The Art: Federico Vicentini delivers art work that is perfectly matched to the style, pace and energy of the story. There is a lot of action throughout and the art does an excellent job of bringing the reader on a journey.