The Amazing Spider-Man #36
Marvel Comics
Written by Jeb Wells
Art by Ed McGuiness
Inks by Mark Farmer
Colors by Marcio Menyz
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Spider-Man finds himself in an uncomfortable team up while trying to find his Limbo doppelganger.

Mayor Luke Cage and Spider-Man decide to pay a visit to the Limbo embassy in New York in order to get Madelyne Pryor to do something about Spidey’s admirer Rek-Rap destroying things while trying to be a hero.
Madelyne tells them she has someone looking for the rogue demons while an old foe of Spidey plans his big return. When Rek-Rap finds information leading back to Peter’s apartment, he runs into Spider-Man and the hunter sent to bring him back to Limbo seems to know who the webslinger is as well.
The Story: Wells crafts a fun and often funny story in this issue. I like the twists and turns the story takes as well as the dynamic between Peter and Rek-Rap. There are a lot of fun elements of the story as well as some great teases for other conflicts to come including the return of the Maggia and Peter’s friendship with Randy. The story also addresses the current hero situation in the city with a satisfactory explanation.
The Art: I love Ed McGuiness’ art a lot and this issue doesn’t disappoint one bit. The visuals are dynamic and beautifully detailed. The art has a wonderful sense of style and detail that beautifully showcases the characters and the action.