The Amazing Spider-Man #32
Marvel Comics
Written by Zeb Wells
Art by Patrick Gleason
Colors by Marcio Menyz
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Kraven decides to deliver Norman’s sins back to him with Queen Goblin’s help.

The recently escaped Queen Goblin has completed a dangerous ceremony with Kraven to purge the sins of Norman Osborn from her and infuse them into something that will deliver them back to their maker. A mission Kraven embarks on when he returns to the city.
At the same time, Peter begins to more forward with a seemingly disastrous date. After returning to work and speaking to Norman, the power to the building prompts the two to suit up and find out what’s happening. When Norman finds Kraven waiting to return his sins, the resulting fight will have an unexpected complication.
The Story: Wells crafts a story with some genuine and unexpected thrills within it. The continuing father/son relationship between Peter and Norman was bound to hit a brick wall at some point and this issue builds on that tension to a great ending that has me intrigued as a reader. I also liked seeing Peter out in the world again without the anchor of either Mary Jane of Felicia weighing him down and I want to see more of that for the character. I like how Kraven is utilized in this story and what his presence means for what’s to come for Spider-Man.
The Art: Gleason delivers some solid action and visual thrills throughout the issue. The character moments are framed beautifully as well. I love the visual style of the Kraven/Kafka moments as well as the confrontation between Kraven and Norman.