The Amazing Spider-Man #21
Marvel Comics
Written by Zeb Wells
Art by John Romita Jr.
Inks by Scott Hanna
Colors by Marcio Menyz
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: The events that tore Peter Parker and Mary Jane apart begin here.

A typical day in the new reality of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson begins as Peter hurries to get ready for work and MJ works to get her kids out of the house. Both of those moments are interrupted by a sudden storm that MJ recognizes right away.
The story leaps a year into the past as a prison break interrupts Peter and MJ as they prepare to move in together. A prison break that will reveal a threat that has targeted them both in order to bring forth something destructive on the Earth.
The Story: Wells finally reveals the beginning of the events that led to Peter and MJ separating again and they are definitely interesting. Admittedly, I did have to go back and read the comics mentioned in the issue to remember who this character was, but I am intrigued with where the story is going. I really enjoyed the suspenseful build up in the beginning of the issue and look forward to seeing what comes next.
The Art: Romita Jr delivers some great imagery throughout the issue. The story is filled with tension and the art brings that forward with great emotional moments for the characters. I really enjoyed the action and how it visually brings out the intensity of the story.