The Amazing Spider-Man #11
Marvel Comics
Written by Zeb Wells
Art by John Romita Jr
Inks by Scott Hanna
Colors by Marcio Menyz
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Norman Osborn is keeping secrets again and an old enemy returns.

Peter and Kamala notice a change in Norman Osborn as they continue to work for him. A change that Peter is worried about considering all the work the man has been doing to change himself. At the same time, Betty and her child receive a dark visitor as she worries about Ned being missing following a story.
After Peter decides to try something new with an old flame, he returns home to discover Ned waiting with information about Osborn. Information that links Osborn to the original Hobgoblin. After confronting Norman, Spider-Man agrees to keep an eye on Norman as he meets with an old foe. A meeting that will be interrupted by another unexpected return.
The Story: Wells crafts an entertaining story that is filled with some great character moments for Peter and continues to evolve the growing conflict between Peter and Norman. I like that Peter is attempting to move on from his problematic behavior with Mary Jane and find a new normal for himself. I love the intrigue of the Hobgoblin return and who it might be and I hope to be surprised and delighted by the answer.
The Art: John Romita Jr delivers some fantastic art in the issue. The characters look great and the art beautifully captures the emotion of the characters.